- Edited by Christopher Callahan and Samuel N. Rosenberg
- (Series: Classiques français du Moyen Âge, 149)
- Paris: Champion, 2005
- 240 pages
- Paperback: ISBN 2-7453-1194-8
This critical edition presents all of the texts and surviving music attributed to Colin Muset, a 13th-century trouvère.
“In keeping with Callahan and Rosenberg’s impressive philological analysis, their discussion of Colin’s music is rich. . . . They offer some of the most sophisticated and balanced melodic analyses to date for trouvère music, thanks to an effective synthesis of music and text.”
John Haines (University of Toronto), Early Music (November 2006), 673
- Introduction
- Vie et réputation
- Thématique et lexique
- Raison d’être de la nouvelle édition
- Le corpus
- Langue
- Formes lyriques
- Technique poétique
- La musique
- Rapports entre texte et mélodie
- Appendices
- Principes d’édition
- Textes
- Mélodies
- Bibliographie
- [This section comprises texts and music in critical edition.]
- Index des noms propres
- Glossaire
- Table des incipit et concordance
- Table des matières
Related publications
Christopher Callahan and Samuel N. Rosenberg, “Réponse à la ‘Contribution à l’étude du chansonnier de Colin Muset’ de Dominique Billy,” Romania 126.1-2 (2008), 239-244.
Samuel N. Rosenberg, “Colin Muset and Performance.” In Cultural Performances in Medieval France: Essays in Honor of Nancy Freeman Regalado, ed. Eglal Doss-Quinby, Roberta L. Krueger, and E. Jane Burns (Series: Gallica, 5) (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2007), 15-23.
Samuel N. Rosenberg, “Colin Muset and the Question of Attribution,” Textual Cultures 1.1 (Spring 2006), 29-45.