- Samuel N. Rosenberg
- (Series: Janua Linguarum, Series Practica, 116)
- The Hague: Mouton [now De Gruyter], 1970
- 222 pages
- Paperback. (The paperback may have been out of print before ISBNs came into use.)
- Hardcover: ISBN-10 9027907471
- Hardcover: ISBN-13 978-9027907479
- E-book: ISBN 978-3-11-082162-8 (issued in 2017)
This is a study of the neuter pronoun ce as found in the construction C’EST + adjective, this construction, whenever possible, being compared with IL EST + adjective. Based on a corpus of 2600 examples drawn from 242 works of the first half of the twentieth century, it is the first monograph to offer a careful and meaningful distinction between ce and il in adjectival predication.
“[J]e constate que S. N. Rosenberg fournit dans un classement finement nuancé une très longue quantité d’exemples pris à des périodiques, des textes de films, d’interviews, de romans, de nouvelles et de pièces de théâtre. C’est un document de français courant qui devra rendre des services.”
Marcel Cohen (École des langues orientales), L’Année sociologique (3rd series) 23 (1972), 545