- Old French texts edited by Samuel N. Rosenberg
- Music edited by Hans Tischler
- Modern French translations prepared by Marie-Geneviève Grossel
- (Series: Lettres gothiques / Le Livre de Poche)
- Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1995
- (Published with the assistance of the Centre National du Livre)
- 1089 pages
- Paperback: ISBN-10 2253066583
- Paperback: ISBN-13 978-2253066583
The trouvères were singer-songwriters of northern France in the 12th and 13th centuries. This 1995 critical edition of 217 trouvère lyrics is an enlarged, updated version of Chanter m’estuet (1981), with translations into modern French by Marie-Geneviève Grossel. (The 1981 edition did not give translations for the Old French texts. The modern French translations are included to help the reader comprehend the original texts, which are in the French of more than 800 years ago.) This anthology was developed through the painstaking examination of early manuscripts, microfilms, photostats, and diplomatic editions; an important part of the project was the selection of representative works from a corpus of about 2,000 surviving lyrics. A melody is also included for about three fourths of the lyrics.
- Introduction
- Sommaire
- Bibliographie
- Ballettes
- Chansons de toile
- Aubes
- Reverdies
- Estampies
- Pastourelles
- Chansons de rencontre
- Chansons d’amour
- Chansons de croisade
- Sottes chansons
- Chansons satiriques
- Chansons pieuses
- Rondeaux
- Divers
- Chrétien de Troyes
- Blondel de Nesle
- Conon de Béthune
- Richard Coeur de Lion
- Le Châtelain de Coucy
- Gace Brulé
- Jean Bodel
- Richard de Semilly
- Gontier de Soignies
- Gauitier de Dargies
- Thibaut de Blaison
- Audefroi le Bâtard
- Guiot de Dijon
- Moniot d’Arras
- Andrieu Contredit
- Guillaume le Vinier
- Simon d’Authie
- Hue de la Ferté
- Thibaut de Champagne
- Richard de Fournival
- Raoul de Soissons
- Étienne de Meaux
- Jacques d’Autun
- Jacques de Dosti
- Mahieu le Juif
- Henri III, duc de Brabant
- Philippe de Remy
- Perrin d’Angicourt
- Raoul de Beauvais
- Jean Erart
- Gillebert de Berneville
- Colin Muset
- Jean Bretel
- Thibaut II, compte de Bar
- La Duchesse de Lorraine
- Gamart de Vilers et Jean le Cuvelier
- Sainte des Prés et la Dame de la Chaucie
- Jacques de Cysoing
- Moniot de Paris
- Adam de la Halle
- Guillaume d’Amiens
- Jacquemin de la Vente
- Aubertin d’Airaines
- Jacques de Cambrai
- Guillaume de Béthune
- Rutebeuf
- Index des trouvères
- Correspondances
- Notes
- Liste alphabétique des incipit